Call Summary

Make phone calls from the Talkatoo app, and have a call summary generated automatically.

How it Works

Getting Started

Verifying your Number

Phone Trees and Extensions

Making Calls

After the Call


What is Call Summary? 

With our latest feature, you can now use the Talkatoo app on your own phone to call clients, and at the end, have a summary created automatically.

Don't worry, after quickly verifying the number, you can choose to have the call originate from another number, such as the clinic number, so you aren't giving out your personal cell number. 

How it Works

First you will verify the number you want to show up as caller ID.  This is done by entering your own number and the number you wish the call to appear to come from.  A call will be made to the Caller ID number to verify that you have permission to use it.  

Once your Caller ID number is verified, you make a call from the app, and you will receive a call connecting you to the conference call with the client number you just dialed.  

The conversation will be recorded and transcribed, and then a call summary will be automatically generated!

Getting Started

If you don't have the Talkatoo app yet, search Talkatoo in your app store or find it here.

Once you've installed it, log in with your Talkatoo credentials.  

Verifying your number

To get started using Call Summaries, first we need to verify the number you want the customer to see.  Most of the time, this will probably be the clinic's phone number. 

1. Click the new phone icon on the top right of the app page and you should see this screen. 

2. Enter the phone number where you will take the calls:

As mentioned above, when making a call from the app, you will receive a call and the customer will be called after you join.  You must provide a number you can be reached at right then, usually either your cell phone or desk phone.  If you plan to make calls on your cell phone, enter that number. If you have a phone at your desk, you can use that number as long as you have either a direct phone number, or an extension that you can be reached at.    

3. Enter the number the customer should see:

For security and privacy reasons, before you use a number as your caller ID, you must prove you have access to it. In most cases this will be the clinic number, so enter it here, along with any extensions*

On iOS devices, ensure you are adding the 1 at the beginning of both numbers. 

4. Click Verify Number.  You should see a 6 digit pin appear on screen and within a few seconds, receive a call asking you to enter the pin. Type in the 6 digit pin on the app screen, and you will hear "Successfully Verified". 

That's it, your number is verified and you can now make calls from the app. 

Handling Phone Trees and Extensions


If the number you are using for your Caller ID or your private call number requires an extension to be able to actually get through to be answered, then you need to account for that in the extension field.  

The system making the call doesn't know anything about your system, so you need to give it instructions, just like you would a person.  

Example: If someone calling your clinic number listens to a prompt and then has to press 1 before being connected to reception, you would need to both tell it to wait, and then enter the number. A 2 second pause can be added by entering a comma (,), and you can include more than 1.   This is very important as most phone systems do not allow a user to press a button immediately, but rather after a couple of seconds.  

For the above scenario, you should enter ,,1, which will cause it to wait 4 seconds after calling, and then press 1.  This will work in most cases. 

Note that this part can be a bit tricky, and may require some trial and error.  If you are struggling to receive a call, it is highly recommended you call your number yourself, and test it out.  You may find you need a longer pause than you thought, in which case you can add more commas.  

Currently, if you need to make calls from more than one number, you will have to reverify it each time.  Do this by clicking the profile icon on the top right and choosing Verify a caller ID number, and it will start the process over again. 

Making a Call

Once you have verified your number, go to the Call tab and you should now see a dial pad instead of the previous verify screen.  You can dial the number of the person you want to call from here. 

You will receive a call within a couple of seconds to join the conference call.  Answer the call, and within a few seconds you should hear it ringing for the client you are calling. Have the conversation and hang up as normal.

After the Call

Once you hang up the call, a note is created from the conversation, and you can find it by going to the Note Inbox on any device you're logged into, including mobile, desktop, or the Talkatoo Web Portal

If you're familiar with the auto-soap note process, the note will be automatically submitted, so you do not need to manually submit it, nor can you add directly to it.

At this time, you are not able to edit or customize the call template, so if you need to edit the note, you can do so in the portal, or once you've copied and pasted it to your software. 


This is a brand new feature, so if you run into any issues, there are a couple of things to try. 

The first thing we would ask you to do is submit a bug report so that we can investigate and fix any issues that arise.  Click the profile button on the top right, then click Report a Bug. This will open an email, where you should put a brief description of the issue, and any relevant screenshots, and then send (the logs are automatically attached). See this article for more information on logs. 


If you are having an issue verifying the number, such as no pin appearing, no call being made, etc try the following:
  1. Ensure both numbers are correctly entered - on iOS you need to add the 1, so the area code is inside the brackets. 
  2. Check whether you have accounted for any extensions and delays required for the extension
  3. Quit the app and relaunch it. 
  4. Check the App Store to ensure it's up to date.  You can tell if it's not, because instead of seeing Open, it will say Update on the install page. 
  5. Sign out of the app and then back in. 
  6. Reach out to our support team via phone, chat or email. 


If you have successfully made the call, but are having issues with the note not coming into your inbox immediately afterwards, sometimes due to length, complexity, or network congestion, it can take a little longer to retrieve the note. 

  1. Wait 5 minutes, then pull down on the inbox page, or quit and relaunch the app to refresh it. 
  2. If it's still not there, check on the Talkatoo Web Portal.  Sometimes syncing to mobile devices takes a bit longer.  
  3. Reach out to our support team via phone, chat or email. 

For issues or concerns with the results, please reach out to our customer success department at 


As always, as these results are being generated by artificial intelligence, it's important you proofread to verify accuracy.